Monday, August 4, 2014

My circle of wisdom teacherss today invited me... consider starting a webpage where I could feature interviews of a variety of personsconcerning their own search for meaning in this fluky, changing world. I emailed four persons who might have start up advice, Tom, Alan, Greg and Tim.

Our main sources for pondering the meaning of life, Who I am, , the bible, Hebrew and Christian, Buddhism, the 12 steps, etc. were developed in and for a world very different from this one, 2014. These sources are, so to speak Meaning 1.0 but we ae living in a 2.* world that is changing faster than any of can grasp.

My own family, adult children and grandchildren, are facing incomprehensible loss, Th question, "Why?"  cannot be answered, yet we must find meaning sufficient to put one foot in front of the other, to keep going, not merely for our own sake, but for the sake of others.

Therefore I intend to start and encourage a conversation.

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